We have built our content along the most relevant business topics based on the inputs from the small and medium-sized businesses in several markets.
With just a few clicks and inputs, you can get started. Describe the question you need support on. Our AI-companion, also known as Q, and our platform are at your side. Get started, now or later, you set the time and rhythm.
Whether big or small, strategic or tactical questions, whether growth, digitalization, finance or much more, our platform is there for you.
Do you want to save hours looking for an answer or building an action plan? Join QUCOXX and the answers are at your fingertips.
What business issues are you currently working on? Which topic has the highest priority for you? In which area would you like to develop further or are you looking for solutions? Ask us, ask your companion and find answers and solution plans that will help you to move forward.
After you have addressed your specific request to your companion, you get relevant content. Select the blueprint, article or plan that is most relevant for you. They will then be assigned to your personal workspace, which you can access anytime and from anywhere according to our slogan "Perform at your best! Wherever and Whenever".
You have found a plan that helps you answer your question or address your challenge. The plans reflect our experience and expertise and are intended to give you a structure with initiatives and activities on how to execute and achieve your goals.
You optimize your time spent. With the platform, you have quick access to relevant information and can decide the time, place and pace according to your needs.
Discover our product range and experience not only attractive price packages, but also the benefits and added value that our platform offers for you. Secure access to the extensive range and a variety of topics and solutions now.
You will be equipped with information and solutions that you can apply immediately. These are designed to have an immediate impact on your business and help you realize success quickly.
We work closely with small and medium-sized companies to develop tailor-made solutions and products that are specifically designed to the needs and requirements of these companies. We will continuously enrich the platform with new content and functions and continue to develop it.