Company name: QUCOXX FlexCo
Company address and registered office: Hilfberg 13, 5310 Tiefgraben, Austria
Object of the company:
1. Trading in all kinds of goods
2. Operating a digital Internet platform and providing consulting services
3. Investments in companies and businesses that have the same or similar activities as their subject matter, as well as taking over the management of such companies
UID number: ATU80893035
Company registration number: FN 630516f
Commercial register court: Regional Court of Wels Austria
Contact details:
Tel.: +43 664 1070788
Chamber of Commerce (WKO) Upper Austria
Applicable legal provisions:
Trade Regulations, Companies Code,
E-Commerce Act, Media Act
Managing Director:
Dr. Karolina Sauer-Sidor
Andreas Sauer
Joerg Erlemeier
Dr. Karolina Sauer-Sidor (33.33%)
Andreas Sauer (33.34%)
TADVICO GmbH (33.33%)
Company Purpose:
Our aim is to provide information and services for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) in Europe